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What do you see?

It is not too often that I hear individuals speak of vision for themselves. I usually hear of what happened in times past. When was the last time you dreamed or shared a goal with someone who supports you? Well, as the autumn season approaches, let's fall back, relax and dream. Let's create a vision board. Tell me, what do you see for yourself in the next five to 10 years? How about 20 years from now? What do you see?

Are you desiring to eat more healthy?

Do you need more sleep?

Are you getting at least 7-9 hours of sleep per evening?

Do you want to travel the world?

Let's Create a Vision Board

  1. Decide if you would like to create a vision board digitally or on a poster board.

  2. Gather your supplies/tools for a poster board: scissors, pencil, colored pencils, paint or markers, unwanted magazines, glue/tape and poster board.

  3. List your goals or items you hope to accomplish.

  4. Find photos, words or phrases in an unwanted magazine or that represent what you would like to do or accomplish.

  5. Collect the photos and arrange them on the poster board. Be creative. Have fun!

  6. Title your poster board.

  7. On the back of your poster board, place the date that you started the vision board, then list the dates that you accomplish each goal.

  8. Glue or tape the images/photos to the poster board. Don't forget the captions for each image.

  9. Take a picture of your vision board once it is completed (just in case it is lost or damaged 😉).

  10. Place your vision board in a place of remembrance, where you are reminded often. This will help you stay focused.

Each time you accomplish a task, reward yourself responsibly. You deserve it! Then update your vision board with new goals. This will keep you focused, prioritizing your life and providing a sense of accomplishment.

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